Nuvol umbrosus male gonarcal complex A dorsal B lateral slightly tilted to left C lateral slightly tilted to right D, E frontal F lateral (field of chalazate setae in box] G enlarged frontal section of gonosaccus, lateral. Note: F, G illustrate the placement and structure of the acute tip of the gonarcal ventral projection and the frontal section of the gonosaccus bearing a group of three heavily sclerotized chalazae with fine setae. Abbreviations: g.ap. gonarcal apodeme; gonarcal bridge; gc gonocornu; gsac gonosaccus; gst gonosetae; l.f. lateral flank of mediuncus; mu mediuncus; tip of beaklike apex of gonarcal ventral projection; ventral projection of gonarcus. Scale bar applies to A–F.

  Part of: Sosa-Duque FJ, Tauber CA (2023) Discovery and redescription of the true Nuvol umbrosus Navás and naming of a new Nuvol species (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae, Leucochrysini). ZooKeys 1158: 179-193.