Nuvol umbrosus male abdomen (Brazil, Minas Gerais) A–C uncleared abdomen, lateral. Note apical lobe on distoventral corner of T9+ect with dense field of long, robust setae. Setae surrounding dorsal apodeme below T8, lateral spot on S9 D callus cerci and trichobothria (setae obscured) E S8+9, ventral. Note exposed gonocornua at apex of S9; dashed line showing possible suture scar between S8 and S9. Abbreviations: cc callus cerci; d.ap. dorsal apodeme; gc gonocornu; S8, S9 eighth and ninth sternites; T2–T8 second to eighth abdominal tergites; T9+ect fused ninth tergite and ectoproct.

  Part of: Sosa-Duque FJ, Tauber CA (2023) Discovery and redescription of the true Nuvol umbrosus Navás and naming of a new Nuvol species (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae, Leucochrysini). ZooKeys 1158: 179-193.