Portraits of Lepidopterists who described Nepticuloidea. 1 Philipp Christoph Zeller (Stainton 1883) 2 Henry Tibats Stainton from Douglas and Mclachlan (1893)3 Gottlieb August Wilhelm Herrich-Schäffer, ca 1870 (Kraatz 1875) 4 Maximilian Ferdinand Wocke (Dittrich 1907) 5 Edward Meyrick (Clarke 1955) 6 Lord Walsingham (Durrant 1920) 7 Annette Francis Braun, in 1973 in her home in Cincinnati, Ohio (photo Mignon Davis) 8 Pierre Chrétien, Digne, May 1903 (Oberthür 1915) 9 Erich Martin Hering. Figs 1–6 and 8 from Biodiversity Heritage Library, 9 from Zobodat.

  Part of: van Nieukerken E, Doorenweerd C, Hoare R, Davis D (2016) Revised classification and catalogue of global Nepticulidae and Opostegidae (Lepidoptera, Nepticuloidea). ZooKeys 628: 65-246. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.628.9799