Pseudopoda deformis Gong & Zhong, sp. nov., female paratype (A, D HUST-SPA-22-002; B, E HUST-SPA-22-003; C, F HUST-SPA-22-004), epigyne (A–C), vulva (D–F), and schematic course of internal duct system (G–I). A–C ventral view D–F dorsal view. Abbreviations: CO = copulatory opening; FD = fertilisation duct; FW = first winding; LL = lateral lobes. Scale bars: 1 mm (A–F).

  Part of: Gong L-j, Zeng M-y, Zhong Y, Yu H-l (2023) A new species of Pseudopoda (Araneae, Sparassidae) from China, with the description of different and distinctive internal ducts of the female vulva. ZooKeys 1159: 189-199.