Nesticus barrowsi epigynal variation. Tennessee, Blount Co., Great Smoky Mountains NP, Calf Cave, MCH 00_147, ventral (A), dorsal (B). Tennessee, Blount Co., Great Smoky Mountains NP, White Oak Sinks, Rainbow Cave, MCH specimen #1303, ventral (C), dorsal (D). Tennessee, Blount Co., Tuckaleechee Caverns, MCH specimen #1568, ventral (E), dorsal (F). Tennessee, Blount Co., Great Smoky Mountains NP, Gregory Cave, MCH specimen #1297, ventral (G), dorsal (H). Scale bar: 0.5 mm.

  Part of: Hedin M, Milne MA (2023) New species in old mountains: integrative taxonomy reveals ten new species and extensive short-range endemism in Nesticus spiders (Araneae, Nesticidae) from the southern Appalachian Mountains. ZooKeys 1145: 1-130.