UCE concatenated maximum likelihood tree. Distant outgroups removed (for graphical purposes), specimen numbers correspond to those in Suppl. material 3 (with detailed location provided in Suppl. material 1). Node numbers correspond to bootstrap (bold text) / gCF / sCF. Only bootstrap values below 100 shown, all others 100. gCF and sCF values rounded to nearest integer; sCF values below 38 highlighted with red text.

  Part of: Hedin M, Milne MA (2023) New species in old mountains: integrative taxonomy reveals ten new species and extensive short-range endemism in Nesticus spiders (Araneae, Nesticidae) from the southern Appalachian Mountains. ZooKeys 1145: 1-130. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1145.96724