Images of the internal morphology of Parachurabana shinseimaruae sp. nov. NSMT-Co 1819 a close-up image of cteniform endodermal marginal muscle in a longitudinal polyp section b cross-section at the height of tentacles c cross-section at the height of the actinopharynx. Abbreviations: CEMM, cteniform endodermal marginal muscle; CM, complete mesentery; CW, column wall; DD, dorsal directives; ES, encircling sinus; IM, incomplete mesentery; T, tentacles. Scale bars: 200 µm (a); 500 µm (b, c).

  Part of: Kise H, Nishijima M, Iguchi A, Minatoya J, Yokooka H, Ise Y, Suzuki A (2023) A new hexactinellid-sponge-associated zoantharian (Porifera, Hexasterophora) from the northwestern Pacific Ocean. ZooKeys 1156: 71-85.