A area of study in Ensenada de La Paz located in the southern part of Bahía La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico B both bodies of water are located on the southwest coast of the Gulf of California, Mexico C sampling sites and potential sources of dispersal of tunicates (circles) [FONATUR (Fidepaz) (24°07'3"N, 110°20'47"W), del Palmar (24°09'09"N, 110°19'39"W), Abaroa (24°09'11"N, 110°19'36"W), La Paz (24°09'17"N, 110°19'31"W), Cortéz (24°09'19"N, 110°19'26"W), Palmira (24°10'58"N, 110°18'09"W) and Costa Baja (24°13'07"N, 110°18'12"W)].

  Part of: Moreno-Dávila B, Huato-Soberanis L, Gómez-Gutiérrez J, Galván-Tirado C, Sánchez C, Alcoverro T, Balart EF, Turon X (2023) Taxonomic identity of Distaplia stylifera (Tunicata, Ascidiacea), a new arrival to the eastern Pacific displaying invasive behavior in the Gulf of California, Mexico. ZooKeys 1157: 109-125. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1157.95986