Acesines bambusana Distant 1 habitus (dorsal) 2 habitus (ventral) 3 external scent efferent system (arrow showing the peritreme) 4 head (dorsal) 5 pronotum 6 eggs in clusters. Scale bars: 1 mm (1–3); 0.5 mm (4–6).

  Part of: Salini S, Gracy RG, Akoijam R, Rabbani MK, David KJ, Roca-Cusachs M (2023) Revision of Acesines Stål and Dunnius Distant, resurrection of Mycterizon Breddin (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Pentatominae), and description of a new species from India. ZooKeys 1148: 79-117.