Centrioncus bytebieri, ♂, Vuria Forest 68 synsternite 7+8, epandrium, surstyli, lateral view 69 subepandrial clasper and surstylus, inner view 70 subepandrial clasper and surstylus, outer view 71 cercus, posterior view 72 sternites 1–5, ventral view 73 ejaculatory apodeme + sac. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (68, 72); 0.1 mm (69–71, 73).

  Part of: Feijen HR, Feijen C (2023) A revision of Centrioncus Speiser (Diptera, Diopsidae, Centrioncinae) with descriptions of new species from Angola, Burundi, and Kenya. ZooKeys 1144: 1-93. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1144.95619