Centrioncus bururiensis sp. nov., Bururi Nat. Forest 44 ♀, holotype 45–49, ♀, paratype 44 tergite 7, 8, 10, cerci, dorsal view (setulae not shown) 45 tergite 8, 10, basal cerci, dorsal view 46 subanal plate, ventral view 47 egg 48 egg, detail 49 spermathecae. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (44, 47); 0.1 mm (45, 46, 48, 49).

  Part of: Feijen HR, Feijen C (2023) A revision of Centrioncus Speiser (Diptera, Diopsidae, Centrioncinae) with descriptions of new species from Angola, Burundi, and Kenya. ZooKeys 1144: 1-93. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1144.95619