Maximum Likelihood (ML) tree of Physocyclus (log likelihood: -3749.87) constructed with the concatenated matrix (CO1+ITS2+28S). Bar colors represent putative species in the tree and in the columns, which represent the different species delimitation methods analyzed. Branch colors represent species groups: globosus (blue) and dugesi (red). Numbers below the columns represent the species recovered in each species delimitation method (not considering Chisosa sp.). Numbers above branches represent Bootstrap support values for ML (> 50% significant). Column abbreviations: Morphology (M); ABGD with initial (IP) and recursive (RP) partitions; ASAP; GMYC with single (SN) and multi (MT) thresholds; bPTP with Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (IB) variants.

  Part of: Nolasco S, Valdez-Mondragón A (2022) To be or not to be… Integrative taxonomy and species delimitation in the daddy long-legs spiders of the genus Physocyclus (Araneae, Pholcidae) using DNA barcoding and morphology. ZooKeys 1135: 93-118.