Female morphology and larval morphology/ecology of Phytoliriomyza phaeocerotis sp. nov. A–C female postabdomen A spermatheca B oviscape and spermatheca C tergite 10 D–G, larval morphology D posterior spiracle E anterior body F, G pharyngeal skeleton in lateral and ventral-lateral view H, I habitat at type locality H harvested rice field I Notothylas temperata thalli growing on soil after harvest of rice J–L mined thalli of Phaeoceros carolinianus at type locality M–Q habitat (M) thalli bearing sporophytes (N) and mined thallus (O) of P. carolinianus at Yonaguni Is., Black and white arrows i indicate larvae and puparia, respectively. Scale: 100 µm (A–C, E–G); 10 µm (D).

  Part of: Kato M, Yamamori L, Imada Y (2022) Diversity underfoot of agromyzids (Agromyzidae, Diptera) mining thalli of liverworts and hornworts. ZooKeys 1133: 1-164. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1133.94530