Terminalia of Quinquespinosa septamacula sp. nov. 25 male pygofer and subgenital plate in dorsal view 26 undissected male terminalia 27 male pygofer and subgenital plate in ventral view 28, 29 aedeagus and left style in lateral and posterior views, respectively 30 undissected female terminalia 31 distal half of second valvula, lateral view. lp, lateral plate.

  Part of: McKamey SH (2023) Three new monobasic genera and three new species of the New World treehopper tribe Acutalini (Hemiptera, Membracidae, Smiliinae) with a key to all genera. ZooKeys 1143: 189-203. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1143.94124