Cincticostella ebura sp. nov. a thorax in dorsal view, a pair of tubercles was indicated by arrows b posterior projection of mesonotum c foreleg d foretarsal claw e mid-femur f hind-femur g abdominal terga V–VII h abdominal terga VIII–X i, j setae on apically dorsal forefemoral surface k setae on posterior margin of abdominal terga. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (a, b, c, e, f, g, h); 0.05 mm (d, j); 0.01 mm (k).

  Part of: Auychinda C, Sartori M, Boonsoong B (2022) Cincticostella ebura sp. nov., a new species of mayfly (Ephemeroptera, Ephemerellidae) from Thailand. ZooKeys 1130: 191-204.