Example of how behavioural classifications included in dataset O_VLIELAND can be used to study time budgets. Time budgets are shown for five individuals in September 2018, which is the non-breeding season when birds were present in intertidal areas on or near Vlieland. The time when birds are foraging shifts every day by 0.5-1.0 hours, as the moments of low tide shifts with the lunar cycle.

  Part of: van der Kolk H-J, Desmet P, Oosterbeek K, Allen AM, Baptist MJ, Bom RA, Davidson SC, de Jong J, de Kroon H, Dijkstra B, Dillerop R, Dokter AM, Frauendorf M, Milotić T, Rakhimberdiev E, Shamoun-Baranes J, Spanoghe G, van de Pol M, Van Ryckegem G, Vanoverbeke J, Jongejans E, Ens BJ (2022) GPS tracking data of Eurasian oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus) from the Netherlands and Belgium. ZooKeys 1123: 31-45. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1123.90623