Colombian Lurama quindiunas. l. adults, a dorsal b ventral. 2 Lectotype ♂, Quindío, Paso del Quindío, 3500 m (MNHU) 3 ♂, Cundinamarca, Bogotá, Pueblo Guasca (USNM) 4, 5 ♂, Specimens unlabeled, but almost certainly the same data as Figure 3 (USNM) 6 ♀, Unlabeled, but almost certainly the same data as Figures 3–5 (USNM). Scale bar = 1 cm.

  Part of: St Laurent RA (2016) Revisions of the genera Lurama Schaus, 1928 and Ulmara Schaus, 1928 (Lepidoptera, Mimallonoidea, Mimallonidae) with the descriptions of three new Ulmara species and a new genus. ZooKeys 611: 57-92.