Terminalia of Pseudoechthistatus and Paraleprodera species. 57 spermatheca 58–67 endophallus in inflated and everted condition, lateral view 57–58 Pseudoechthistatus obliquefasciatus Pic 59 P. sinicus sp. n. 60 P. granulatus Breuning, 1942 61 P. pufujiae sp. n. 62 P. glabripennis sp. n. 63 P. holzschuhi sp. n. 64 P. chiangshunani sp. n. 65 Paraleprodera mesophthalma Bi & Lin, 2012 66 Par. carolina (Fairmaire, 1899) 67 Par. triangularis (Thomson, 1865) 68 Par. d. diophthalma (Pascoe, 1857). a enlargement of spermathecal capsule (SP) b endophallus in inflated and non-everted condition, show internal membrane (im) of apical furrow (af) c, dAPH in ventral view eCT in ventral view f, gAPH in dorsal view.

  Part of: Bi W-X, Lin M-Y (2016) A revision of the genus Pseudoechthistatus Pic (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Lamiini). ZooKeys 604: 49-85. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.604.9049