Map of continental Africa between 3° South latitude and Tropic of Capricorn showing distribution of Heteromormyrus species and lineages (sequenced specimens and other identified specimens). Type localities shown as star symbols. The localities of two EOD types of H. aff. szaboi, termed HaK and HaZ in Kramer et al. (2004), are indicated by the letters K and Z respectively inside two of the marker dots for H. aff. szaboi. Some points represent multiple adjacent collection sites. Basemap from FaunAfri (Paugy et al. 2008).

  Part of: Sullivan JP, Hopkins CD, Pirro S, Peterson R, Chakona A, Mutizwa TI, Mukweze Mulelenu C, Alqahtani FH, Vreven E, Dillman CB (2022) Mitogenome recovered from a 19 th Century holotype by shotgun sequencing supplies a generic name for an orphaned clade of African weakly electric fishes (Osteoglossomorpha, Mormyridae). ZooKeys 1129: 163-196.