DNA barcode tree of Papiriodes jacobsoni in Taiwan based on neighbor-joining analysis and Kimura’s two-parameter model. The specimens analyzed form two genetically distinct lineages, L1 and L2 (A), corresponding to populations in northern and central Taiwan, respectively. Two color-morphs, “spotty” (B) and “milky” (C), can be found in both lineages. Specimens are labels with their NTUM catalog numbers followed by a symbol denoting their color-morphs. Numbers around nodes are bootstrap values.

  Part of: Cheng H-J, Janssens F, Chang C-H (2022) An updated checklist of Collembola in Taiwan, with DNA barcoding of Papirioides jacobsoni Folsom, 1924 (Symphypleona, Dicyrtomidae). ZooKeys 1123: 123-146. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1123.90202