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Article title
Materials and methods
Specimen sampling
DNA extraction and PCR amplification
Phylogenetic analysis
Morphological studies
Nomenclature and description of shell characters
Anatomical and measurement abbreviations
Institutional abbreviations
Photograph credits
Taxon names
Phylogenetic analysis
Family Cyclophoridae Gray, 1847
Group I: Rhiostoma haughtoni group. Species with short to long detached whorl and knob-shaped or notch-shaped breathing device
Group II: Rhiostoma housei group. Species with long detached whorl and tubular-shaped breathing device
Group III: Rhiostoma asiphon group. Species with very short to nearly absent detached whorl; breathing device a canal or incomplete tube
Group IV: Rhiostoma morleti group. Species without detached whorl; breathing device usually expanded at base near suture or canal-shaped
Taxa with uncertain genus, species group, or undescribed
Key to the species groups and species of the Rhiostoma
Species excluded by this revision
Appendix 1
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