Travisia amoyanus sp. nov. A–F holotype (MBM287243) H–O paratypes (H MBM193597; I–K MBM287249; L MBM287248; M–O MBM287244) A–C living specimen in dorsal, lateral, and ventral view, respectively D fixed specimen in ventral view E same, in dorsal view F detail of capillary chaeta G tube H fixed specimen in lateral view I–K alive, in dorsal, lateral, and ventral views, respectively L alive, in lateral view M–O alive, dorsal, lateral, and ventral views, respectively. Abbreviations: pr, prostomium; per, peristomium; nuO, nuchal organ; mo, mouth; br, branchiae; chaet, chaetiger; IntP, interramal papilla; Pl, parapodia lateral lappet; np, nephridial pores; ntc, notochaetae; npc, neurochaetae; Py, pygidium; ac, anal cirri; Vc, Pygidial ventralmost cirrus.