Intraspecific variation of genitalia in G. odonopetalus A–F genitalia from six individuals in lateral view (Note: the red arrows point to the posterior of epiphallus, highlighting variations among individuals; the blue circles indicate the protuberance of mid-ectoparamere) G–L genitalia of the same six individuals in dorsal view (Note: the green circles indicate the median lobe of the epiphallus posterior).

  Part of: Wang N, Huang H, Ma L-B (2022) The intraspecific variation of morphology and coloration of field crickets: a taxonomic revision of Chinese Gymnogryllus Saussure, 1877 and Phonarellus Gorochov, 1983 (Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Gryllini). ZooKeys 1129: 85-107.