Diphya guiyang sp. nov. A–E female paratype and male holotype, epigyne A, B macerated epigyne, ventral and dorsal C, D epigyne, macerated and embedded in Arabic gum, ventral and dorsal E intact epigyne F, G ventral view frontal view of prosoma F male G female. Abbreviations: Cd = copulatory duct; Fd = fertilisation duct; Ra = anterior chamber of receptacle; Rp = posterior chamber of receptacle; Sb = septal base; Se = septum (dashed line in C showing margin of septum); Sh = septal head; Ss = septal stem. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (A–E); 1 mm (F, G).

  Part of: Zhang J, Zhang Q, Long F, Yu H, Yi Y (2022) Two new species of Diphya Nicolet, 1849 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) from Southwest China. ZooKeys 1124: 131-145. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1124.86828