Adult morphology of Dione (Agraulis) dodona sp. nov. A head, male, lateral view B wing venation, male C detail of forewing venation, female (red setae points differences with male) D, E distal portion of prothoracic tarsi under scanning electron microscopy, male in ventral view D female in lateral view E distal tarsomere indicated by open arrow in E. Scale bars: 1 mm (A); 5 mm (B); 50 µm (D); 250 µm (E).

  Part of: Farfán J, Cerdeña J, Vargas HA, Gonçalves GL, Lamas G, Moreira GRP (2022) A peculiar new species of Dione (Agraulis) Boisduval & Le Conte (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae) associated with Malesherbia Ruiz & Pavón (Passifloraceae) in xeric western slopes of the Andes. ZooKeys 1113: 199-226.