Interpolation-extrapolation graphs for inner Makay and inner Isalo. Coloured lines represent the interpolated (solid line) or extrapolated (dashed line) estimate of the metric against number of individuals; the surface of lighter colour surrounding each curve materialises the 95% confidence interval A sample coverage B Hill number of order q=0 (H0 or species richness) C Hill number of order q = 1 (H1) D Hill number of order q = 2 (H2).

  Part of: Ramahandrison AT, Rakouth B, Manuel M (2022) The aquatic Adephaga of the Makay, central-western Madagascar, with description of two new diving beetle species (Coleoptera, Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae, Dytiscidae). ZooKeys 1127: 1-60.