Larva of Dudgeodes molinerii Sivaruban, Martynov, Srinivasan, Barathy, Isack, sp. nov., paratypes A total dorsal view B total ventral view C head, thorax and abdomen, dorsal view D head, dorsal view E row of setae at outer margin of head F head and thorax, dorso-lateral view G tarsal claw H gill II I gill III J gill IV K gill V. Abbreviations: white arrows show tubercles.

  Part of: Martynov AV, Sivaruban T, Palatov DM, Srinivasan P, Barathy S, Isack R, Sartori M (2022) Contribution to the knowledge of Teloganodidae (Ephemeroptera, Ephemerelloidea) of India. ZooKeys 1113: 167-197.