Scatter plots of ordination analyses to evaluate the morphological variation of Mexican Aeneolamia spp.: A principal coordinate analysis using the 10 discrete (male tegmina color pattern and male genitalia) and 36 continuous features of males B analysis of canonical variation with 36 morphological continuous features of both sexes C females D males. In the center of the scatter plot, vectors corresponding to the contribution of the traits in the multivariate space (B, C, D). The largest circles are the centroid of the polygons (B). Abbreviations: Alv Anteclypeus length in ventral view BLs body length without wings in ventral view BLWv body length without wings in ventral view LAWl length of the anterior wing in lateral view PCWv postclypeus width in ventral view PLd postclypeus length in dorsal view PWd pronotum width in dorsal view PcWs postclypeus width in lateral view SWd scutellum width in dorsal view SLv stylet length in ventral view.

  Part of: Armendáriz-Toledano F, López-Posadas MA, Utrera-Vélez Y, Romero Nápoles J, Castro-Valderrama U (2023) More than 80 years without new taxa: analysis of morphological variation among members of Mexican Aeneolamia Fennah (Hemiptera, Cercopidae) support a new species in the genus. ZooKeys 1139: 71-106.