Palpal chela of Lasiochernes species, showing the trichobothrial pattern. A L. cretonatus male B L. jonicus female C L. pilosus male. Abbreviations in terminology of trichobothria: movable finger: t–terminal, st–subterminal, sb–subbasal, b–basal; fixed finger: et–exterior terminal, est–exterior subterminal, esb–exterior subbasal, eb–exterior basal, it–interior terminal, ist–interior subterminal, isb–interior subbasal, ib–interior basal. Scale lines: 0.5 mm.

  Part of: Christophoryová J, Krajčovičová K, Henderickx H, Španiel S (2016) A multivariate study of differentiating characters between three European species of the genus Lasiochernes Beier, 1932 (Pseudoscorpiones, Chernetidae). ZooKeys 629: 51-81.