Rhodopodesmus niveus gen. nov. et sp. nov., holotype ♂ left gonopod (NMNHS-10823) A mesal view B lateral view C disto-lateral view D antero-lateral view E postero-distal view F anterior view. Abbreviations: a acropodite, ca cannula, cx coxa, dp distal projection of solenophore, dsp distal solenomeral process, ll lamella of solenophore, pf prefemorite, psp proximal solenomeral process, s solenomere, sb solenomeral branch, sf seminal fossa, sg seminal groove, sph solenophore. Scale bars: 0.05 mm.

  Part of: Antić D, Vagalinski B, Stoev P, Akkari N (2022) A review of the cavernicolous Trichopolydesmidae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) from the Carpathian-Balkan arch and the Rhodope Mountains, with descriptions of two new genera and three new species. ZooKeys 1097: 1-46. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1097.83916