Maximum likelihood tree based on COI and H3 sequences for 43 Gracillariid species. –ln likelihood = 11983.13. Bootstrap values are indicated for nodes more than 50% support (1000 replications). The general time reversible model of sequence evolution was used with the following settings: LSet nst=6 rclass=(abcdef) rmatrix=(2.9833028 10.54651 15.145156 9.0102019 24.833933) basefreq=(0.26825699 0.20834936 0.17265202) rates=gamma shape=1.0542648 pinv=0.53477118).
Part of: Huemer P, Lopez-Vaamonde C, Triberti P (2016) A new genus and species of leaf-mining moth from the French Alps, Mercantouria neli gen. n., sp. n. (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae). ZooKeys 586: 145-162.