a Elasmogorgia filiformis Wright & Studer, 1889, holotype BMNH 1889.5.27.77 b Euplexaura arbuscula Broch, 1935, ZIN 11667 c E. boninensis (Aurivillius, 1931), holotype UPSZTY2165 (UUZM 68) d E. mitsukurii (Kinoshita, 1909), syntype UMUTZ-CnidG-222 e E. yayoii sp. n., holotype RMNH 42104.
Part of: Matsumoto AK, van Ofwegen LP (2016) Species of Elasmogorgia and Euplexaura (Cnidaria, Octocorallia) from Japan with a discussion about the genus Filigella. ZooKeys 589: 1-21. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.589.8361