Male palp and female genitalia of Liphistius keeratikiati Zhan & Xu, sp. nov. A palp, prolateral view B palp, ventral view C palp, retrolateral view D–G palp, distal views H vulva, dorsal view I vulva, ventral view J vulva, lateral view A–G XUX-2017-439 (holotype) H–J XUX-2017-431. Abbreviations used: CDO = central dorsal opening; GA = genital atrium; RC = receptacular cluster; CT = contrategulum; Cu = cumulus; E = embolus; PC = paracymbium; PeP = paraembolic plate; ST = subtegulum; T = tegulum; TiA = tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.

  Part of: Zhan Y, Sivayyapram V, Liu F, Li D, Xu X (2022) Three new species of the spider genus Liphistius (Araneae, Mesothelae, Liphistiidae) from Thailand. ZooKeys 1104: 115-128.