A, B dorsal view of tube A Haplothrips alpester B H. aculeatus C head, dorsal view, H. statices D tergite IX, dorsal setae, H. leucanthemi E, F antennae, dorsal view, antennal segment IV marked E H. leucanthemi F H. propinquus G part of pronotum, dorsal view, H. alpicola H head dorsal view, H. tritici. Abbreviations: ms: maxillary stylets, S1: setae 1, am: anteromarginal setae, ds: discal setae, ps: postocular setae. Scale bars: 100 microns.

  Part of: Wahlberg E, Gertsson C-A (2022) Identification key to and checklist of the Swedish Phlaeothripidae (Thysanoptera). ZooKeys 1096: 161-187. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1096.83011