A, B head, dorsal view A Bolothrips dentipes (ventral margins of eyes also visible) B Haplothrips senecionis C habitus, dorsal view, Bacillothrips nobilis D, E pelta D B. nobilis E Megalothrips bonanni F fore leg, Megathrips lativentris. Abbreviations: mb: maxillary bridge, ps: postocular setae, lwp: lateral wings of pelta. Scale bars: 100 μm (A, B, D, E), 1 mm (C).

  Part of: Wahlberg E, Gertsson C-A (2022) Identification key to and checklist of the Swedish Phlaeothripidae (Thysanoptera). ZooKeys 1096: 161-187. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1096.83011