Habitats and foraging resources of bumble bees on Kolguev Island A willow-sedge tundra with Polemonium acutiflorum, 10.vii.2020 B meadow-like associations with Pedicularis sp., shore of the Bugryanka River, 10.vii.2020 C willow-sedge tundra with Geum rivale and Polemonium acutiflorum along a stream valley, 11.vii.2020 D willow-grass tundra on slopes with Pedicularis sp., 18.vii.2020.

  Part of: Potapov GS, Kolosova YuS, Kondakov AV, Tomilova AA, Filippov BYu, Zubrii NA, Spitsyn VM, Spitsyna EA, Zheludkova AA, Gofarov MYu, Bovykina GV, Bolotov IN (2022) Phylogeography and ecology of bumble bees on Kolguev Island, a remote European Arctic landmass. ZooKeys 1122: 19-37. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1122.82993