Dinapsis turneri holotype female slide-mount NHMUK010198789 (NHMUK) A antenna, lateral view B maxillolabial complex, dorsal view C mandible, posterior view D sitophore and pharyngeal plate on left, structure on the right not identifiable (possibly part of the maxillolabial complex) E wings, dorsal view F slide. Scale bars: 500 µm (A, E); 200 µm (B, C); 100 µm (D).

  Part of: van Noort S, Shaw SR, Copeland RS (2022) Revision of the endemic African genus Dinapsis (Dinapsini, Megalyridae, Hymenoptera) with description of seven new species. ZooKeys 1112: 27-122. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1112.82307