Peniagone vitrea Théel, 1882. Specimen CCZ_077: A, B in situ images C lateral view before preservation D dorsal view E dorsal ossicles. Scale bars:2 cm (A); 3 cm (B); 200 μm (E). Image attribution: Durden and Smith (A, B); Wiklund, Durden, Drennan, and McQuaid (C, D); Bribiesca-Contreras (E)

  Part of: Bribiesca-Contreras G, Dahlgren TG, Amon DJ, Cairns S, Drennan R, Durden JM, Eléaume MP, Hosie AM, Kremenetskaia A, McQuaid K, O'Hara TD, Rabone M, Simon-Lledó E, Smith CR, Watling L, Wiklund H, Glover AG (2022) Benthic megafauna of the western Clarion-Clipperton Zone, Pacific Ocean. ZooKeys 1113: 1-110.