Scanning Electron Microscope of the spines of Bathypathes thermophila sp. nov., MNHN-IK-2016-45 (a–f, h), MUZAC-6665 (g, i) a stem and pinnule form the middle portion of the corallum b stem from the upper part of the corallum with c detail of the spines. Pinnule from the middle portion of the corallum with details of d proximal portion e distal portion, and f terminal portion g polypar spines on pinnule h row with three polypar spines on a distal pinnule i bifurcated polypar spine on pinnule. The right side of vertical skeletal elements and the upper side of horizontal ones is the polypar side. Scale bars: 500 µm (a, b); 100 µm (c–g); 50 µm (h, i).

  Part of: Chimienti G, Terraneo TI, Vicario S, Marchese F, Purkis SJ, Abdulla Eweida A, Rodrigue M, Benzoni F (2022) A new species of Bathypathes (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Antipatharia, Schizopathidae) from the Red Sea and its phylogenetic position. ZooKeys 1116: 1-22.