Paleo-aggregations of Spirobranchus akitsushima sp. nov. Jogashima (A–H), and Tsurugizaki (I–L) K close-up view of P2 of J L close-up of P3 of J. Paleo-aggregation (P1–3) and current distribution (C1) in I and J are corresponding to P1–P3 and C1 in Fig. 1I.

  Part of: Nishi E, Abe H, Tanaka K, Jimi N, Kupriyanova EK (2022) A new species of the Spirobranchus kraussii complex, S. akitsushima (Annelida, Polychaeta, Serpulidae), from the rocky intertidal zone of Japan. ZooKeys 1100: 1-28.