Gallardoneris nonatoi (Ramos, 1976) comb. nov. Morphometric relationships showing the regression model and the intervals of confidence (95%) over the average (avg.) and observed (obs.) values. A number of chaetigers vs. total body length (mm) B body length (mm) vs. body width at chaetiger 10 (mm) C body length (mm) vs. body width at chaetiger 15 (mm) D prostomium length (mm) vs. width (mm) E prostomium length (mm) vs. peristomium length (mm) F prostomium width (mm) vs. peristomium width (mm).

  Part of: Martin D, Estefa J, Gil J (2022) Taxonomic review of Gallardoneris nonatoi (Ramos, 1976) comb. nov. (Annelida, Lumbrineridae), and description of a new species of Lumbrineris from the Gulf of Mexico. ZooKeys 1114: 35-57.