The ultrastructure of cell junctions in the epidermis of tergites in P. scaber postmarsupial mancae A external morphology of postmarsupial manca B semithin section of epidermis: Flattened epidermal cells are covered by a cuticle that is not yet as thick as in adult animals C–D AJs and SJs of postmarsupial mancae 3 days after release from marsupium C a long continuous array of septa is evident between neighbouring cells D discontinuous junctions containing short arrays of septa are rarely observed E–F epidermal cell junctions of postmarsupial mancae 14 days after release from marsupium E discontinuous junction containing long arrays encompasses the lateral membranes F long continuous SJs are often observed. Abbreviations: AJ: adherens junction; AM: apical membrane; C: cuticle; E: epidermis; SJ: septate junction. Scale bars: 200 µm (A); 20 µm (B); 500 nm (C–F).

  Part of: Kunčič K, Mrak P, Žnidaršič N (2022) Formation and remodelling of septate junctions in the epidermis of isopod Porcellio scaber during development. In: De Smedt P, Taiti S, Sfenthourakis S, Campos-Filho IS (Eds) Facets of terrestrial isopod biology. ZooKeys 1101: 109-129.