PCR products of the mini-exon gene in blood of smalls mammals from the “El Zapotal” Ecological Reserve. Amplification resulted in a PCR product of 350 bp and this confirms that these parasites belong to the TCI group. L: ladder; samples: Q positive control (Qro. strain); 1–6 D. marsupialis; 7–10 P. mexicanus; 11 H. desmarestianus; 12 D. mexicana.

  Part of: Gómez-Sánchez EF, Ochoa-Díaz-López H, Espinoza-Medinilla EE, Velázquez-Ramírez DD, Santos-Hernandez NG, Ruiz-Castillejos C, Vidal-López DG, Moreno-Rodríguez A, Flores-Villegas AL, López-Argueta E, De Fuentes-Vicente JA (2022) Mini-exon gene reveals circulation of TcI Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas, 1909) (Kinetoplastida, Trypanosomatidae) in bats and small mammals in an ecological reserve in southeastern Mexico. ZooKeys 1084: 139-150. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1084.78664