Genitalia of Coptotriche minuta and C. symplocosella. A–D: C. minuta. E–H: C. symplocosella. A, E Phallus, ventral view B, F Male genitalia, ventral view C, G Right valva, inner view D, H Female genitalia, ventral view Db, Dc, Dd Same, separated two pairs of prela towards posterior part Db Lateral view Dcd ventral view De Corpus bursae and ductus spermatheca. Abbreviations: aa: apophysis anterioris; an: anellus; ap: apophysis posterioris; cb: corpus bursae; la: lateral arm of 8th tergite; pr: prela; sl: setose lobe on 9th tergite; so: socius; sp: spermatheca; tr: transtilla; un: uncus; va: valva; vi: vinculum; ve: vestibulum; 8s: 8th sternite.