Female of Simulium khelangense sp. nov. A antenna (left side; dorsal view) B third palpal segment with sensory vesicle (right side; front view) C cibarium D mid tibia (left side; outer view) E hind tibia (left side; outer view) F hind basitarsus and second tarsomere (left side; outer view) G claw of hind tarsus (lateral view) H eighth sternite and ovipositor valves (ventral view) I genital fork (ventral view) J, K paraprocts and cerci (right side; J ventral view K lateral view) L spermatheca. Scale bars: 0.1 mm (D–F); 0.05 mm (A); 0.02 mm (B, C, H–L); 0.01 mm (G).