Adults of Kitanola spp. 1 K. shilinensis sp. nov., holotype, Yunnan, China (NEFU) 2 K. spina Wu & Fang, 2008, Chongqing, China (NEFU) 3 K. spinula Wu & Fang, 2008, Zhejiang, China (NEFU) 4 K. eleganta sp. nov., holotype, Xizang, China (NEFU) 5 K. linea Wu & Fang, 2008, Guangdong, China (NEFU) 6 K. uncula (Staudinger, 1887), Sakhalin, Russia (ZISP). Scale bars: 5 mm.
Part of: Wu J, Solovyev AV, Han H-L (2022) Four new species and two newly recorded species of Limacodidae (Lepidoptera, Zygaenoidea) from China. ZooKeys 1123: 205-219.