Dorsal habitus of Corydalus spp. A holotype of C. ralphi sp. nov., male B holotype of C. wanningeri Contreras-Ramos & von der Dunk, male C paratype of C. ralphi sp. nov., female D paratype of C. wanningeri Contreras-Ramos & von der Dunk, female. Scale bar: 1 cm.

  Part of: Martins CC, de Azevêdo CAS, Hamada N, Grillet ME, Contreras-Ramos A (2022) After a decade, a new Venezuelan species of Corydalus Latreille (Megaloptera, Corydalidae, Corydalinae) is discovered. In: Pauls SU, Thomson R, Rázuri-Gonzales E (Eds) Special Issue in Honor of Ralph W. Holzenthal for a Lifelong Contribution to Trichoptera Systematics. ZooKeys 1111: 339-353.