Phylogenetic placement of Pseudomma kryotroglodytum sp. nov. from Antarctic ice caves at Bernard Island, amongst the Pseudomma taxa available in DNA databases (GenBank accession numbers shown), based on 18S rDNA. The root is the Erythropini Holmesiella affinis. Neighbour-Joining (NJ, shown here) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) reconstruction methods gave a similar topology. Bootstrap (1000 replicates) values, higher than 700, are shown at nodes (NJ/ML) in this order.

  Part of: Wittmann KJ, Chevaldonné P (2021) First report of the order Mysida (Crustacea) in Antarctic marine ice caves, with description of a new species of Pseudomma and investigations on the taxonomy, morphology and life habits of Mysidetes species. ZooKeys 1079: 145-227.