Shell morphology of Cristaria plicata from Eastern Russia: A–C C. plicata from Khanka Lake identified by Zhadin in 1927 D–E C. plicata from Khanka Lake identified by Starobogatov in 1967 F–G C. tuberculata and H C. herculea from Khanka Lake identified by Moskvicheva in 1971 I limnetic, and J riverine forms of C. (herculea) plicata from Transbaikalia (Klishko et al. 2014).

  Part of: Klishko OK, Lopes-Lima M, Froufe E, Bogan AE, Abakumova VY (2016) Systematics and distribution of Cristaria plicata (Bivalvia, Unionidae) from the Russian Far East. ZooKeys 580: 13-27.