Specimen_Code,Type_status,Caste,HL:Head length,HW: Head width,SL: Scape length,WL: Weber’s length,PL: Petiole length,GL: gaster length (A3 to A7),PL + GL,TL: Total length,CI: Cephalic index,SI : Scape index CASENT0830464,Holotype,worker,1.57,1.405,1.673,2.255,0.654,2.584,3.238,7.063,89.49044586,119.0747331 CASENT0830465,paratype,worker,1.555,1.386,1.647,2.154,0.617,2.703,3.32,7.029,89.1318328,118.8311688 CASENT0872028,paratype,worker,1.536,1.333,1.585,2.147,0.639,2.419,3.058,6.538,86.78385417,118.9047262 CASENT0872029,paratype,worker,1.546,1.384,1.665,2.136,0.582,2.834,3.416,7.098,89.52134541,120.3034682 CASENT0923157,paratype,queen,1.653,1.54,1.742,2.507,0.782,3.541,4.323,8.483,93.16394434,113.1168831 ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, HL,"Head length: Maximum longitudinal length of the head, measured from the anteriormost portion of the projecting clypeus to the midpoint of an imaginary line traced across the posterior margin of the head.",,,,,,,,,,, HW ,"Head width: Maximum width of head, excluding eyes.",,,,,,,,,,, SL,"Scape length: Maximum chord length of the main shaft of the antennal scape, excluding basal bulbus and bulbus neck.",,,,,,,,,,, WL,"Weber’s length: With the mesosoma in profile, the diagonal length from the posteroventral corner of the propodeum to the farthest point on the anterior face of the pronotum, excluding the neck.",,,,,,,,,,, TL,"Total length: Sum of HL + WL + length of segments A2 to A7. A2 to A7 is measured as follows: maximum length of the petiole in profile (PL) + A3 to A7, or gaster length (GL).",,,,,,,,,,, CI,Cephalic index: HW/HL × 100.,,,,,,,,,,, SI,Scape index: SL/HW × 100.,,,,,,,,,,,